170 grams of difference
2 oeufs
100 grams of blanc
125 g of chocolate pips with light
4 cups of soup sugar (60g environment)
1 bottle of vanilla sugar
1 cuillère in soup d’huile d’olive
1 sachet of breast milk
Ustensiles: 12 mini moules
Prechauffer the four à180°.
In a salad, beat the œufs with the sugar in the pot and the sugar vanilla puis ajouter the fromage blanc.
Ajoutez progressivement of the grain and the Levure all the continuing of the mélanger jusqu’à obtenir a homogeneous texture.
Finish your olive oil and drink.
Verify the pépites and melanger a few seconds.
Encourage the environment for 20 minutes.
The lame d’un couteau doit resortir proper.