The Best Barbecued Cheddar Sandwich

The Best Barbecued Cheddar Sandwich


8 cuts Texas toast , or thick cut sandwich bread

4 Tbsp unsalted spread

4 cuts medium cheddar

4 cuts Gouda cheddar

4 cuts Havarti cheddar


Spread 1/2 Tbsp of margarine on one side of each cut of bread.

Set a skillet done on both sides/low intensity and spot 2 cuts of bread in the skillet with the spread side-down.

Stack cheeses on one piece of toast: cheddar, havarti, then gouda. When the breads are brilliant brown, shut the sandwich with the fresh sides outwardly.

Keep cooking until the bread is a rich brilliant brown, flipping once and push down daintily to help the bread adhere to the cheddar. Complete cooking time would it be a good idea for one 5-6 minutes. Save the intensity on medium low for the breads to toast gradually, allowing your cheddar an opportunity to dissolve and stick to the bread completely.

When you see the cheddar has dissolved and breads are cooked, eliminate to a plate and cut down the middle corner to corner to serve. Rehash with the following sandwich.